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How Regs4ships supports regulatory compliance
Regs4ships simplifies the challenges associated with accessing compulsory maritime legislation, regulations and supporting guidance. The advanced searchability of Regs4ships means you can quickly find specific regulations to ensure every vessel is following the right documentation. The tool also supports advanced planning to ensure operations and procedures remain compliant, with a unified experience for ship and shoreside users.
The innovative solution can be used on PCs and tablets. With the onboard version enabling secure, uninterrupted access to regulations, even when an internet connection is unavailable.

Accurately estimate voyage exposure with our simulation tool, powered by industry-leading in-house vessel models and a multi-objective routing engine.
- Accurately estimate voyage exposure with our simulation tool, powered by industry-leading in-house vessel models and a multi-objective routing engine.
- Accurately estimate voyage exposure with our simulation tool, powered by industry-leading in-house vessel models and a multi-objective routing engine.
- Accurately estimate voyage exposure with our simulation tool, powered by industry-leading in-house vessel models and a multi-objective routing engine.
- Accurately estimate voyage exposure with our simulation tool, powered by industry-leading in-house vessel models and a multi-objective routing engine.
Accurately estimate voyage exposure with our simulation tool, powered by industry-leading in-house vessel models and a multi-objective routing engine.Accurately estimate voyage exposure with our simulation tool, powered by industry-leading in-house vessel models and a multi-objective routing engine.Accurately estimate voyage exposure with our simulation tool, powered by industry-leading in-house vessel models and a multi-objective routing engine.Accurately estimate voyage exposure with our simulation tool, powered by industry-leading in-house vessel models and a multi-objective routing engine.Accurately estimate voyage exposure with our simulation tool, powered by industry-leading in-house vessel models and a multi-objective routing engine.Accurately estimate voyage exposure with our simulation tool, powered by industry-leading in-house vessel models and a multi-objective routing engine.
Test Callout Heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ac aliquam erat. Vestibulum eget risus dictum, dignissim libero a, porttitor dui. Aenean blandit, ante ac vulputate varius, nisl diam tincidunt massa, quis laoreet lacus nisl ac urna. Vestibulum finibus sapien libero, vel rutrum tortor feugiat eu. Nunc dictum ut turpis vitae rhoncus. Sed dignissim neque pretium dignissim fringilla. Ut ultrices, arcu eget convallis sagittis, diam elit cursus nulla, vehicula pulvinar elit purus sed sem. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Duis at tellus non massa volutpat luctus. Curabitur id turpis mi. Nullam purus velit, viverra in elit a, tempus gravida leo. Sed ullamcorper dolor eget tincidunt iaculis. Aenean ullamcorper tellus in ex scelerisque, ut viverra ligula dignissim. Vestibulum varius ullamcorper erat in varius. Aliquam pellentesque sem sit amet faucibus porttitor. Suspendisse rhoncus eget tortor fermentum interdum. Integer et maximus massa.
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Keep your fleet efficient with Emissions Management
With the maritime sector now included in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), shipowners, operators and charterers are subject to the world’s first carbon pricing on shipping. This impacts all vessels that travel in EU waters, so now is the time to optimise your fleet’s performance to minimise the financial impact on your business and ensure compliance with new regulatory standards.
OneOcean Emissions Management provides the insights and technical expertise needed to meet EU ETS requirements. Using advanced analytics, we precisely estimate annual voyage emissions to provide accurate allowance allocations, and then monitor real-time emissions against these allowances so adjustments can be made to ensure adherence. Combining route simulation, vessel monitoring and post-voyage reporting, we give you the data-driven intelligence to improve efficiency, support compliance and reduce the financial burden of EUAs on your business.
Key outcomes
Holistic oversight
Comprehensive monitoring delivers a 360-degree view of all EU ETS activities, ranging from a vessel’s emissions data to compliance status.
Real-time decision-making
Our Vessel Operations team leverage real-time data to help you make proactive decisions about your vessel operations, minimising your exposure to ETS.
Risk mitigation
Proactively identify and mitigate potential compliance risks before they become a problem. Timely prevention reduces the likelihood of penalties and ensures robust adherence to EU ETS.
Dynamic adaptability
Our Vessel Operations Centre scales with the growing complexity of the EU ETS requirements, ensuring we can support every vessel use case.
Whatever your role, get a holistic approach to EU ETS compliance
Discover how LR OneOcean Risk Manager supports your individual needs for EU ETS compliance.
One place to manage your EU ETS commercial exposure
As a shipowner, ensuring your entire fleet complies with all regulations is a top priority, especially with the growing emphasis on environmental standards. With the recent EU ETS updates, it’s now your responsibility to surrender the necessary EUAs. Additionally, you will need to claim EUAs from the operator of the vessel.
LR OneOcean Risk Manager can support you through these changes and help you navigate these responsibilities effectively. It enables you to view and forecast voyage information, helping you understand and manage risk, allocate exposure to third parties, and avoid financial penalties.
This ensures effective brand management and maximises opportunities with charterers.
Simplify your EU ETS approach with one comprehensive platform
As the operator of your fleet, your priority is having the data needed to optimise performance and profitability. With the recent extension to the EU ETS, you'll now need to manage the task of buying EUAs for voyages or claiming them from charterers and transferring EUAs to the owner.
LR OneOcean Risk Manager can support you in navigating these new responsibilities. It keeps you up to date with exposure, EUAs due, and vessel status. You can quickly and clearly view and forecast voyage information for agile decision-making, helping you manage costs and stay compliant. And, as it features simple user management and the ability to allocate exposure to third parties, with Risk Manager you can ensure alignment and effective communication with shipowners and charterers.
As a charterer, its crucial you ensure compliance with EU ETS for the vessels you charter across EU waters. With the recent regulatory changes, you now have the responsibility to cover the exposure for your voyages, which can be settled with EUAs or at an agreed rate with the operator.
LR OneOcean Risk Manager can simulate your upcoming exposure to empower your EUA strategy. It ingests fuel consumption data to minimise your risk, optimise profitability, and ensure compliance.
By using Risk Manager, you can maintain strong, continued relationships with owners and operators.
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What is the EU ETS?
Act now and operate with confidence
Passage Planning
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec bibendum lectus dolor, eget scelerisque lorem tincidunt non. Cras dolor ex, hendrerit ut fringilla non, varius placerat metus. Duis nulla eros, maximus sed consectetur luctus, ullamcorper imperdiet magna. Morbi molestie eget justo a tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam dignissim cursus varius. Quisque mollis euismod elit, sed bibendum elit laoreet vel. Integer ac feugiat nulla. Fusce cursus odio ut orci accumsan imperdiet. Nunc vel neque id nulla mollis egestas. Cras malesuada tortor non augue faucibus, vel commodo neque egestas. Phasellus accumsan dolor tempor, interdum arcu id, volutpat neque. Nulla congue lacus vitae ante condimentum dictum. In at blandit odio.
Passage Planning USP 2 headline is optional
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Weather and route optimisation
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Cybersecurity heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec bibendum lectus dolor, eget scelerisque lorem tincidunt non. Cras dolor ex, hendrerit ut fringilla non, varius placerat metus. Duis nulla eros, maximus sed consectetur luctus, ullamcorper imperdiet magna. Morbi molestie eget justo a tincidunt. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam dignissim cursus varius. Quisque mollis euismod elit, sed bibendum elit laoreet vel. Integer ac feugiat nulla. Fusce cursus odio ut orci accumsan imperdiet. Nunc vel neque id nulla mollis egestas. Cras malesuada tortor non augue faucibus, vel commodo neque egestas. Phasellus accumsan dolor tempor, interdum arcu id, volutpat neque. Nulla congue lacus vitae ante condimentum dictum. In at blandit odio.
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Latest Insights
Webinar on Fit for 55: Managing Compliance and Optimising Operations under the EU's New Regime
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The most comprehensive resource of up-to-date maritime regulations, customised for each fleet or ship, always available on board and onshore, ensuring continual maritime compliance.Environmental Compliance
Means ship managers and crew are fully informed of all maritime environmental regulations along the route and fleet managers can opt to set and deploy company environmental standards across all vessels.