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Streamline your CII reporting with Cloud Fleet Manager

13 April 2023Reduce your carbon footprint and comply with CII regulations with our new functionality

Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)

As the shipping industry continues to tackle the issue of climate change, new regulations are being introduced to control carbon emissions from ships. One of these regulations is the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), which requires ships to calculate and report their carbon intensity starting in 2023.

Our solution

We understand the importance of supporting our clients in complying with these new regulations, while also enabling them to operate more efficiently and sustainably. That's why we're excited to announce that we've added new functionality to our system Cloud Fleet Manager, by extending our Event Reporting and MRV & IMO DCS modules to cover the CII regulation.

Our innovative solution allows shipping companies to easily calculate and report their carbon emissions, enabling them to monitor them and improve their carbon efficiency over time. Additionally, the software automatically generates a year-end rating prediction for the company's performance. With this new functionality, our clients can rest assured that they're fully compliant with the CII regulation and can focus on driving their business forward.

Event Reporting

In addition to the CII functionality, our Event Reporting module enables shipping companies to monitor a wide variety of key figures. From times of arrival and departure to BOSP/EOSP, bunker consumptions, times of anchorage or lay-up, and noon reports, this module lets you see the big picture of your fleet, enabling you to conduct further analyses. With more than 100 distinct validation rules and customizable mandatory fields, you can ensure uniform reporting for all vessels in your fleet, providing you with reliable information to monitor and increase the efficiency of your operations sustainably.

We're committed to supporting our clients in achieving their sustainability goals and reducing their carbon footprint. By adding the CII functionality to our Cloud Fleet Manager system, we're enabling shipping companies to take an important step towards a more sustainable future.

But that's not all. As you're used to from us, our Event Reporting module can be integrated with other programs such as Dataloy or M.A.C, providing even greater flexibility and convenience for our clients.

Max Hagemann
Head of Marketing & PR
Max Hagemann is a seasoned Head of Marketing and PR with extensive experience in the maritime industry. His work is driven by a commitment to innovation, strategic insight, and a deep passion for the maritime world.

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